Shanna Hollich holds two master’s degrees, one in library and information sciences and the other in data analytics. As a career librarian for almost fifteen years, they have worked in almost every type of library, including K-12 school, federal government, academic, and public libraries throughout the United States. They have worked in public/access services, technical services and cataloging, and administration, but their first love is working on issues of copyright reform, cultural heritage, open access, and open education. Trained as one of the first non-staff facilitators for the Creative Commons Certificate courses, Shanna now provides professional development training for librarians, educators, and policymakers around the world in the area of copyright and open licensing through Creative Commons, Library Juice Academy, and as a freelance consultant. They also continue to volunteer and draft policy papers for Creative Commons in the areas of copyright reform, open education, and open culture.
Shanna Hollich

Library Director / Copyright Consultant, Guthrie Memorial Library / Creative Commons