Duygu Kambur has a Bachelor’s degree in Management from Bogazici University, Turkey. She joined the Design Thinking program in the HPI School of Design Thinking in Berlin and worked on social impact oriented design. She was in the founding team of one of the leading social innovation platforms in Turkey, imece. She held the position of executive manager at imece for 4 years and closely worked with several social entrepreneurs and impact institutions from diverse sectors. She has recently co-founded a co-working & community space, Pon, in the south part of Turkey, Akyaka and co-founded, Merkezsiz, a digital media agency developing contents about Web3 & decentralized technologies for artists, impact professionals and civil society members. Additionally, she continues to provide consultancy and project management on impact projects. Duygu is a member of BMW Foundation Responsible Leaders Network.
Duygu Kambur

Co-Founder, Merkezsiz