17 Results Found for Economic Opportunity

São Paulo

STEM TechCamp Brasil 2019

STEM TechCamp Brasil 2019 supports innovations that respond to recent Brazilian education reforms and demands of the private sector for more qualified professionals, by empowering educators and curriculum designers through targeted digital and media literacy training as well as sessions on the maker-space movement and current education trends. This workshop week is part of a…


TechCamp Peru

TechCamp es una iniciativa del Departamento de Estado de Estados Unidos dirigida a conectar a líderes que trabajan en desafíos mundiales con herramientas digitales que facilitan sus esfuerzos. TechCamp Perú se centrará en la lucha contra la delincuencia transnacional organizada que afecta al medioambiente y los recursos naturales. Habrá participantes de Perú, Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia,…

Dubai Panorama

TechCamp South Asia

TechCamp South Asia seeks to empower women social entrepreneurs from India & Pakistan, increasing their technical capacity to use digital tools and strategies to improve their businesses in order to better address social challenges.  TechCamp South Asia will help women entrepreneurs and startup founders design solutions to overcome certain barriers in their enterprise’s life cycle, from…

Three storks flying over a marsh. (Shutterstock)

TechCamp Visaginas

В технологическом лагере TechCamp Visaginas соберутся предприниматели из Литвы, Латвии, Эстонии и Беларуси для участия в двухдневной программе, которая будет проходить с 19 по 20 мая. Участники узнают о том, как владельцы малого и среднего бизнеса могут использовать широкий спектр технологических инструментов с целью развития своих компаний.

Man in polo shirt uses a stylus and tablet to preform calculations.

STEM TechCamp Brasil

O TechCamp Brasil apoia inovações que respondem à recente legislação brasileira sobre o Novo Ensino Médio, e também as demandas do setor produtivo por profissionais mais qualificados por meio do aumento das comunicações, alfabetização digital e o movimento maker.

Man in polo shirt uses a stylus and tablet to preform calculations.

TechCamp Ramallah

TechCamp Ramallah: Business Success through Academic Excellence will provide university students the critical thinking skills, tech savvy and ability to innovate that they need to survive and thrive in the private sector.