Having left his job in the corporate sector, Rohit has been working in the development sector for over a decade. A Certified CSR Assessor by URS Worldwide (USA), Rohit has worked in NGOs, funding agencies and social enterprises. His role has been mostly around managing large scale development and disaster management programs, fostering relationships between the grassroots NGOs, communities, local administration and policy makers. Over the last couple of years, Rohit has been working with the Technology Development, Content Innovation and Community Mobilization teams of GramVaani. This has resulted in the development of the most innovative and user-friendly social media platforms for a diverse set of Gram Vaani’s partners, enabling first generation mobile users living in remote media-dark regions to access information, share their stories and also register their feedback. Rohit has an MBA in Social entrepreneurship from NMIMS University, and has an MPhil degree in social work from Jodhpur National University.
Rohit Singh

GramVaani (India)